5G technology the battle for latency Posted On September 24, 2019 Angel Eulises Ortiz 0
5G technology the battle for latency. We were recently exploring the impact of 5G on data centers in this HostDime blog; likewise, already on a personal level, I was watching and writing about The Hummingbird Project , where there is no blush, at the fiction level, a connectivity with a latency of 15 ms or less to join the stock exchange of Kanzas with fiber optic The New York Stock Exchange. More than one will be questioning the rationale for this comment. Well, for those who have not seen the connection, I will explain it in detail. How fast data can travel Physics tells us that the speed of light is equal to the maximum speed that a particle without mass can travel in a vacuum: 186,282 miles / second or 299,792 km / second. But the data is not completely without mass. The data does not travel directly on a fiber cable (even if the cable is straight) because it bounces off the inner walls of the cable. In addition, the data can only travel between 60 and 100 miles (96-160 kM) b...